I have to take a pass

Erick-Woods Erickson

The Israeli government has invited me to watch the raw footage of the October 7 attacks. The footage was obtained from body cameras worn by the Hamas terrorists, their cell phone videos, and the footage of the Israeli soldiers who went into the areas after the massacre.

I have already seen some of the horrors. I have seen the father and child tied together who were burned alive. I have seen the children whose faces were shot at close range so they could not be identified. I have seen the blood-soaked cribs. I have seen a severed head.

These images haunt me. They linger in my head. I have decided to decline to see the full extent of the horror.

It is a damning indictment on so many that they cannot trust and cannot believe without having seen for themselves. It is a damning indictment on the press as well that they have lost the trust of so many that the things they report will not be believed unless the people, for themselves, see it or hear from those they trust.

I have seen enough and do not want to subject myself to more of it.

The horrors are real.

I think of the people who were willing to believe that Sandy Hook was a “false flag” operation and that the children and parents were actors. Even now, one of the Pink Floyd band members claims October 7 was a false flag operation.

Many people, hearing of the monstrous attacks, just simply cannot process that anyone would do such things to others. In one Kibbutz, Hamas pulled out the eye of a man, cut off the breast of the man’s wife, chopped off the foot of the man’s daughter, and cut off the finger of the man’s son. Then, with the family still bleeding and in agony, the Hamas terrorists made themselves a meal from the family’s food and ate in front of the family. Only after dinner did the terrorists kill the family.

That is a thing that happened. It is something some choose not to believe. They cannot believe it. It is too awful to believe. I understand that impulse, but it is also a thing that did happen.

The left has spent a month denying Hamas decapitated babies. Even now, many people refuse to believe it and claim it has been debunked. It has not been debunked. It actually happened. But to grapple with it is to recognize Hamas fighters are actually terrorists and monsters who must be put down.

I continue to hear those who scream, “What about the Palestinians?” They cannot actually bring themselves to admit they do not care about what happened to the Israelis. They blame Israel. They believe the “colonizer” propaganda. They believe it was resistance.

They do not say, “Release the hostages and surrender Hamas.” They hate the Jews.

In Washington, a Palestinian protestor over the weekend declared October 7 a justified resistance and claimed violence in the name of resistance in the United States is justified. The gates of Hell have opened, and the demons have captured the hearts and minds of those who do not know the real God.

I do not need to see more to know the depravity of man. What I know from what I have seen is that some people must be sent to Hell by force. And I take comfort in the doctrine of hell. There are those who will escape this world’s justice. But they will not escape God’s.

We have monsters among us. We must hunt them and kill them before they kill us. I do not need to see more than what I have seen to know that.