Benson: A Rude But Spiritual Awakening

In July of 1969 I was “fat, dumb, and happy” like most Christians. I didn’t know much about anything but thought I knew most of it. I had just gotten married at the end of June and was just back from our honeymoon when the Lord grabbed my attention, after which He never let go – not that I’m complaining.

Anyway, I had a few days before I had to go back to work and so one morning my wife and I attended a Bible study at the Episcopal Church we attended. At that point in time lots of Episcopal priests were quite liberal, but the one in our church wasn’t. He was a true believer, conservative, and anti-Communist as well – an unusual combination in that time period – and since.

At any rate, during the Bible study he passed out to all who attended a copy of a book written by Lutheran pastor Richard Wurmbrand called “Tortured for Christ.” Little did I know that morning, but reading that book would change my life. It was the story of a pastor who spent 14 years in jail in Communist Romania simply for the “crime” of being a Christian and preaching the gospel as found in the Holy Bible.

As in most Communist countries, many churches ended up preaching the propaganda the state wanted them to preach which was basically, a repudiation of Christian truth and some form of Communist dogma. You’ve got churches in this country doing the same thing today. Rev. Wurmbrand refused to play that game, hence his 14 years in prison, along with other pastors who also refused. He dealt with some detail what those brave souls suffered in his book.

I have to admit that as I started to read it I was shocked. I’d always felt Communism was bad, but never really knew that much about it. I’d thought it was just another kooky political position that sensible people didn’t agree much with. I was wrong. It began to dawn on me that any system that hated Christians that much had to be a theological system – in effect, an anti-Christ religious system. Though the Communists would never admit that–they claimed they were atheists. Yet, as I read and then began to start to do a little homework on my own, I found that Communists, more and more, fit the pattern that the Apostle John called our attention to in 1 John 2:22 – they were anti-Christs at heart. And while they claimed to hate all religion, they saved most of their venom for Christians because I think, at root, they understood that the God of the Bible had to hate what they were doing and would one day punish them for it.

Reading Pastor Wurmbrand’s book was not fun. It bothered me to the extent that I had nights I couldn’t sleep for reading the horrible things Communists did to Christians just because they were Christians. When I’d finished the book, I prayed about it and said “Lord, you’ve given me all this terrible information, what do you ant me to do with it?” I couldn’t just sit on it and do nothing with it. Then, on one of those sleepless nights, I don’t recall if it was a dream or what, I saw the first page of a newsletter. I couldn’t tell what it said but I knew what it was, and I wasn’t familiar with newsletters at the time.

The next night I sat down and began to work on the first page of my first newsletter “A Voice in the Wilderness” and it took me until three o’clock the next morning to finish it. It was a brief expose of what I had learned about the anti-Christ nature of Communism from Pastor Wurmbrand’s book. After I’d finished that I was able to sleep, though I only had three hours to sleep before I had to get up for work. The next day after work, I stopped at a print shop and got either 25 or 50 copies of the newsletter printed, I can’t recall which just now. and the next Sunday, I asked our Episcopal pastor if I could put 25 of them in the church for our church members to take and he said to go ahead and do that. So as I was able to do more newsletters (by then I was starting to look for material on Communism) I started putting 25 copies of each successive issue in the church vestibule on the Sunday after I’d get them printed.

That was how I began over 54 years of trying to expose Communism and its One World Government sycophants. I continued to learn more about Communism and its adherents over the decades. At one point, I learned that Karl Marx, the supposed inventor of Communism wasn’t really. All Marx was was a hack writer that a group called the League of the Just (really the Illuminati ) hired to write down their anti-Christ agenda so it could be pedaled all over Europe, and then in America. The first edition of “The Communist Manifesto” didn’t even have Marx’s name as the author on it. That came with the second and following editions, as by then the Illuminists figured it was better to hide behind Marx’s name rather than exposing themselves and what they were really all about.

Communism in America made significant progress during the Lincoln administration with a good number of Lincoln’s generals being communists and socialists and you even had Charles A. Dana as Stanton’s assistant Secretary of War and Dana had been one of the 48’er communists who spent time with Marx and took part in the communist and socialist revolts in Europe in 1848. So communism really came to America lots earlier than our current “historians” (and I use that term loosely) have admitted that it did. Makes you wonder where the historians loyalties really were.

And you had Communists in several important positions in government during FDR’s reign. Anyone remember Alger Hiss? If you don’t then look him up on the internet. He was a Communist in the State Department that helped set up the United Nations. You had lots of Communists in government positions under FDR and he had no problems with Communists anymore than Lincoln did. Everybody complained about Joe McCarthy, but he never went after anyone unless he had evidence that they were a Communist. The leftists complain about McCarthyism and all the damage it did – and it’s all political hogwash promoted by a “news” media that has been leftist since the days of Lincoln.

If communists and other assorted leftists were only political you could oppose them only on a political level. However, many of the programs they promoted, and continue to promote under China Joe Biden, are aimed at neutralizing the Christian faith and rendering the church powerless to promote righteousness and holiness. Leftists in government today, along with such groups as the Council on Foreign Relations are busy promoting One World Government where there is no place for anything but a watered down version of Christianity that will be done away with when it is no longer useful to the leftists. To label these people as anti-Christs is but to state the obvious. Their evil designs must be exposed and they must be opposed – for if they are given the chance, they will wipe the Christian Church off the world map because, if the truth be known, they really serve their father, the Devil, the promoter of lies and the father of them. Communism is one of his main lies. It promises “equality” for all and delivers only bondage.

Christians need to wake up and figure this out and learn to oppose it rather than sitting it out waiting for a “rapture” that will take them out of the fight!

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed the family of Kettle Moraine Publications to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with each of our projects.