10 Questions That Will Reveal If You’re a Good Dinner Guest

A British butler schools us in proper dinner party manners.

Dinner starts at 6 p.m. Should you arrive at 5:30 p.m.? Or is it best to be fashionably late? In contemporary etiquette, there is only one right answer. And it’s neither of the two.

Grant Harrold, who worked from 2004 to 2011 as a butler to King Charles III when he was Prince of Wales, told our colleague Ileana Alescio the 10 questions to ask yourself to make sure you are a good dinner guest.

With Mr. Harrold’s help, we’ve put together a quiz to test your etiquette IQ as a casual dinner party guest. From nailing the greeting to properly handling the toilet seat (gentlemen, take note!), we’ll cover it all. Let’s see who’s an etiquette pro and who might need a little help. 

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