We have been keeping you up to date (as much as we are allowed) on the Keynote Speaker developments. TFALAC has signed the contract and we are just waiting on the Speaker’s signature to make the huge announcement.
General Admission Tickets are $80 per person. Tables of 6 are $480 per group (these can be upgraded to a table of 8 – please contact johnharris@tennesseefirearms.com if interested).
NEW! Part of the proposed Speaker contract is to conduct an optional VIP event the same day perhaps starting around 9:30 or so. We are working on those details and hope to announce it soon.
The event location will be at the Farm Bureau Expo Center at the at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center on the Wilson County Fairgrounds. (945 East Baddour Parkway, Lebanon, Tennessee 37087)
Admission starts at 9:00 AM CST
Our lists of sponsors, vendors and auction items is growing. Check out the 2023 Annual Event page for details and future updates.
TFALAC welcomes donations of auction items. TFALAC has a history of having a fine assortment of firearms and other items as part of its auction package but we also have had ammo, jewelry, gun safes, vacation trips, duck hunting packages, and even car wash coupons. If you or your business are interested in making a donation or providing auction items in exchange for promotional advertising, please get in touch with johnharris@tennesseefirearms.com soon.
And, the Keynote Speaker is almost under contract. TFALAC has signed the contract and we are just waiting on the Speaker’s signature to announce.
Lee Beaman has been a strong and regular supporter of the constitution and your rights as citizens consistently for many years. Mr. Beaman is a longstanding supporter of both TFA and the TFALAC. We are welcome again Lee Beaman as our prime sponsor for this year’s event.
Smith & Wesson is a second year major sponsor for the Annual Event.
Norman and Darlene Bobo – are returning as Annual Event sponsors.
Cyndi and Tracy Miller – Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been consistently strong supporters of TFALAC and we welcome their continued support as well as the donation of a stay at their Florida vacation home as an auction item.
Enbright Credit Union is a returning Annual Event sponsor. Enbright also offers TFA’s members credit union membership eligibility.
Rep. Rusty Grills – Serves in the Tennessee General Assembly representing the 77th District which includes Dyer, Lake and parts of Obion county.
Rusty Oak Armory is returning as a sponsor and vendor at the event as well as indicating that they would be donating a custom AR15 for the event.
Beretta USA – Returns as one of TFALAC’s long standing sponsors and as a firearms donor again in 2023!
Kahr Arms (also the owner of Auto Ordinance) – Which is opening a facility in Morristown Tennessee is returning as a 2023 event sponsor by donating a has joined as a gun sponsor in 2022 by donating an Auto Ordinance Thompson (semi-automatic).
Hickok45 has again joined TFALAC as a sponsor. As has been his generous tendency, he has indicated that he will be donating a firearm that he has profiled in one of his online videos.
If you are interested in being an event sponsor or donor but have questions, please contact John Harris
The Dugger Band by brothers Seth and Jordan Dugger are now scheduled to perform live at the 2023 TFALAC event.
Event Vendors are important participants at our events. Vendors receive a display booth and 2 admission tickets to the event. TFA will have a vendor table for memberships, shirts and hats at the event.
Auction Firearms and Items
This list will be updated as the event gets closer.
Sponsorships and Vendor Packages
If you are interested in sponsorships, there are several tiers of sponsorship that are available with or without tickets to the event.
Tier 1 Sponsor – $20,000 Sponsors receive extra large printed banner to be positioned with the TFA logo at the speaker podium and a complimentary 12 tickets to the event.
Tier 2 Sponsor – $15,000 would include large printed banner to be positioned near the stage and a complimentary 12 tickets to the event.
Tier 3 Sponsor – $10,000 would include inclusion on a printed banner at the event and a complimentary 12 tickets to the event.
Tier 4 Sponsor – $5,000 would include inclusion on a printed banner at the event and a complimentary 6 tickets to the event.
Tier 5 Sponsor – $2,500 would include inclusion on a printed banner at the event and a complimentary 6 tickets to the event.
Vendors – $450 and allows the vendor to set up a single table and promote / sell their merchandise. Will include 2 admission tickets to the event. Those desiring to participate as a gun show participant would require this level of participation at a minimum.
John Harris TFALAC Treasurer |
Joining and supporting TFA is an investment in the fight to restore our constitutional rights and to fight against politicians who are willing to sell their votes and your rights to whichever business interest gives them the most money! TFA Website: www.tennesseefirearms.com TFA PAC: www.tfalac.org Facebook TFA Page: www.facebook.com/Tennfirearms/Facebook TFA Group: www.facebook.com/groups/TennesseeFirearms/ Twitter: @Tennfirearms |