Gary Varvel: Biden slipping – WSJ

The Wall Street Journal ran a 3,000-word story headlined “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” I talked with a doctor this week and he told me, in his expert opinion, that Biden is suffering from dementia. But you don’t have to be behind closed doors to know that the President is “slipping.”

The Democrats remind us that Biden is only 4 years older than Donald Trump, but we all age differently and it’s obvious that Trump is in much better condition. 

New York Post article by Victor Nava says, “Biden showing signs of decline as pols, aides detail 81-year-old’s slipping cognitive fitness: ‘Not the same person.’”


Victor Davis Hanson: The myth that Biden had nothing to do with the prosecutions of Trump.

Townhall – Matt Vespa: What happened to Biden during the D-Day ceremony?

The Daily Signal – Elizabeth Troutman: 75-year-old Pro-lifer prosecuted by DOJ describes joy facing prison, ‘I’m with God.’ Judge taunts her with: ‘Make an effort to remain alive.’…