CAPR Alert: Sign initiative petitions locally–“No to Ban on Natural Gas” !!

This is for the Spokane Area only.  Please find out where the petititon is being provided, in your area, make the effort to sign it.

  URGENT–Important Information!CAPR Members, Supporters, and Friends!

Defend Your Freedom in Energy Choice! “Stop the Gas Ban” Initiative effort–Due by June 28th!! Your Help is Needed to Make Sure Signatures are Gathered!

Signing locations in Spokane area below AND ACROSS STATE: Get the details at Lets Go Washington on I-2066 Read this post on the CAPR website to learn more about protecting this important property right! 

Learn more at the BIAW A Broad Coalition is collecting signatures to Put Energy Choice on the November Ballot! 

Once you have gathered this important information, and if you agree energy choice and freedom are important to you, be sure you are a part of gathering signatures!

Where to sign petitions in Spokane area!!

Falco’s Fireplaces in Spokane Valley9310 E. Sprague Avenue
Phone: 509-926-8911 

Associated Builders and Contractors 1760 E. Trent Avenue
8-5 Mon. thru Fri. Phone: 509-534-0826 

More options online at the “Let’s Go Washington” website 
american_flag.jpgSpokane CAPR is taking the summer off…but much is going on around us property owners! Stay tuned…stay active!! See you in September!!
GO TO CAPR.US WEBSITE for lots more on property rights!! Join CAPR and support our lobbyist Cindy Alia– DEFENDING YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS!
Spokane CAPR Message phone: 509-534-5707email:
Spokane CAPR | PO Box 8672 | Spokane, WA 99203 US

GO TO CAPR.US WEBSITE for lots more on property rights!! Join CAPR and support our lobbyist Cindy Alia– DEFENDING YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS!