* Donald Trump is in Las Vegas. Extremely successful fundraising event last night at the Ahern Freedom Hotel, I’m told. And a big outdoor rally is scheduled for Sunset Park at high noon today.
* The “experts” – like liberal blubber-blogger Jonny Jihad Ralston – pontificated that it was a stupid move since temps are expected to reach triple digits by the time 45-47 speaks.
* But the line to get in started queuing up at dawn. “Yuge.” Las Vegans ain’t snowflakes. Shockingly, Johnny Jihad was wrong. Again.

* Word on the street is that Trump will opt NOT to endorse a candidate in Nevada’s U.S. Senate GOP primary today, despite saying he would two weeks ago. That would appear to be a killing blow to Jeff Gunter, whose campaign success was based on getting the nod.
* But here’s the thing about Trump: Always expect the unexpected. Still, even if he were to extend his Seal of Approval to his former Ambassador to Iceland, it would probably be too little, too late.
* Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
* Nevada Republican National Committeewoman Sigal “Hang ‘em from a Crane” Chattah continued performing her “Stupid on Steroids” social media tour on Friday.
* She offered this gem of an observation on Twitter/X about early voting and mail-in balloting for Tuesday’s primary elections…
“People are asking why GOP voter turnout is low. Why? Because who wants to roll out of bed and vote for a bunch of pansies who carry water for our adversaries. That’s why.”
* OK, let’s focus just on the congressional races. Here’s a partial list of the GOP candidates Chattah just called “pansies” – Sam Brown, Jeff Gunter, Tony Grady, John Lee, Drew Johnson, Marty O’Donnell, Flemming Larsen, and Mark Robertson.
* Ladies and gentlemen, YOUR Republican National Committeewoman/Democrat plant!

* What an embarrassment.
* By the way, if turnout’s low – and it is – what’s that say about Chattah’s much-touted “Bank Your Vote” and ballot harvesting programs? I’ll tell ya: Epic Fail. Again. As usual.
* Ya think maybe Chattah and the Nevada GOP should have focused on practicing their get-out-the-vote operations during the February presidential preference primary?
* But Chattah wasn’t finished giving herself and the Republican Party a black (and blue) eye. In a separate tweet, she also called for children in the Gaza Strip to be “executed.”
* Sounds like she might have just finished reading Mein Kampf. Or maybe she was trying to top the Big Man Upstairs by calling for the death of every child instead of just the first-born males?
* Onward…
* Last-minute endorsement in my Assembly District 12 race: Nancy Roecker. Nancy has been an active volunteer on our Pigpen Project to clean up the voter rolls. I like people who walk the walk.
* Speaking of the Pigpen Project, Republican Assembly candidate Kelly Chapman, Pigpen field director Iris Stone, and I drove down to Anaheim, CA, on Friday to meet with the folks running Congresswoman Michelle Steel’s only-of-its-kind door-to-door program.

* These high school “kids” were phenomenal. I’m far more optimistic about the future of our republic after meeting them.

* There’s no similar program anywhere else in the United States, including Nevada. And boy, did we learn a LOT about how such a field operation *should” be run. And we’ll be incorporating much of it in Kelly’s general election campaign in November.

* And a tip o’ the hat to Rep. Steel’s hubby for inviting us down to see this impressive operation in person.
* Shawn Steel is California’s Republican National Committeeman and he and I have known each other since the “old days” back in the late 1990’s when he was the party’s state chairman and I was the Nevada GOP’s executive director.
* Thank you, Michelle and Shawn!
* All work and no play? Nah.
* On Friday night I took Kelly and Iris to the local Medieval Times up the street from Knott’s Berry Farm to kick back, take a little break from the serious biz of politics, and have a little FUN…

* Now, here’s the good news…
* In the Red Knight vs. Blue Knight dust-up, the Red Knight kicked the Blue Knight’s arse…just like we’re gonna do to the Blue Team at the ballot box in November.

* GO RED, GO!!!
“I don’t understand much about politics…” – Liberal blubber-blogger Jon Ralston, 1/2/20
“Every man with a pair of testicles is voting for Donald Trump in 2024. Every woman with a pair of testicles is voting for Joe Biden in 2024.” – Meme seen on Twitter/X
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at MuthsTruths.com. His views are his own.