Gingrich Concerned About “Radical” and “Dangerous” Leftists

by D. Michael DeRidder

On a recent appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich warned about possible violence perpetrated by “the Left,” and said that former President Donald Trump’s campaign should plan to protect against a hypothetical scenario:

My advice to the Trump campaign is simple. It’s about to hit the Left that everything they’ve done has failed, that’s what your polling numbers said. Therefore there ought to be some kind of planning team on the conservative side that tries to imagine: If you were vicious, dishonest, desperate, had the power of the FBI, the power of the Justice Department, [and] all the other powers that the establishment has, what would you do in the next four months?

Gingrich told Hannity the leftists he describes would not stand idly by if Trump were to win the presidential election:

They’re not going to go down easily. They’re not going to say, “Well, yes it’s true that Joe Biden is totally incompetent, yes it’s true the world’s really dangerous and getting more dangerous because he’s incompetent.” They’re going to say, “What is it we have to do to stop Trump, and to stop the Trump movement?” And given their track record from 2015 on, I really worry about how radical and how dangerous they’re going to be in the next five months.

Reprinted with permission