We would like to update you on the status of several important bills in the Tennessee General Assembly.
Article V Convention
We are monitoring House Joint Resolution 5 (HJR 5). It would urge Congress to call a convention to propose a constitutional amendment “to set a limit on the number of terms to which a person may be elected as a member of the [U.S. House and Senate].”
The truth is that any Con-Con could accomplish the same goals that many of its advocates claim to be fighting against. As evidence, a 2016 Convention of States (COS) controlled simulation resulted in amendments massively increasing the federal government and expanding its spending powers!
The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia understood the danger of a constitutional convention, stating in 2015 that “this is not a good century to write a constitution.”
Thankfully, although the House passed HJR 5 by a 66-27 vote, the Senate did not take action on it. Nonetheless, our vigilance and fight for freedom continues; HJR 5 isn’t dead yet, and the Senate could possibly take action on it next year.
Please remain in contact with your legislators. Inform them about the dangers of a Con-Con, and if they already oppose this disastrous scheme, thank them and urge them to remain steadfast in their opposition.
We are monitoring House Bill 726 (HB 726) and Senate Bill 1092 (SB 1092), titled the “Restoring State Sovereignty Through Nullification Act.” They would create a formal process for reviewing the constitutionality of federal actions and rejecting those found unconstitutional, and if enacted, they would be one of the strongest and most comprehensive nullification laws in the country.
Unfortunately, the General Assembly did not take action on HB 726 or SB 1092 during the past session; furthermore, SB 1092 failed in the Senate State and Local Government Committee. This is unfortunate; please contact your state legislators and urge them to enact HB 726 and SB 1092 (or similar legislation) during next year’s session.
More broadly, please continue to contact and meet with your state legislators, urging them to enact legislation that enforces the U.S. Constitution and nullifies unconstitutional federal actions. Furthermore, show your legislators model nullification bills and urge them to enact such legislation.
Sound Money
We have been monitoring several bills that would take steps toward restoring constitutional money in Tennessee. Notably, Senate Bill 519 (SB 519) and House Bill 1479 (HB 1479) had been introduced; they would allow Tennessee to buy, sell, and hold reserves of precious metals, thus increasing its financial independence from the Federal Reserve. Thankfully, the General Assembly unanimously passed HB 1479, and Governor Bill Lee signed it into law.
Additionally, Senate Bill 150 (SB 150) and House Bill 1480 (HB 1480), titled the “Tennessee Bullion Depository Act,” have been introduced. These bills would create a state bullion depository. Tennessee has already taken steps toward such an action, having passed a 2016 resolution in favor of a gold depository, and a 2021 bill studying such a move. The General Assembly did not take action on these bills in the previous session; however, they could still enact them in next year’s session.
Senate Bill 311 (SB 311) and House Bill 1481 (HB 1481) have also been introduced. They would officially recognize gold and silver as legal tender, a major step toward returning to constitutional adherence and treating gold and silver as currency. The General Assembly did not take action on these bills in the previous session; however, they could still enact them in next year’s session.
Please urge your legislators to enact these bills in the next session. Also, continue informing your legislators about the importance of constitutional money, and urge them to take bold action to fully enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions.
Government Schools
We are monitoring House Bill No. 1249 (HB 1249) and Senate Bill No. 1507 (SB 1507). They would create a “federal education funding task force” to review all federal education funding in Tennessee and create a plan to lead to state toward rejecting and eliminating federal funding for education-related programs. These bills are a great first step toward rejecting unconstitutional federal funding and reclaiming state sovereignty.
Unfortunately, the General Assembly did not take action on HB 1249 and SB 1507 during this year’s session. Please contact your legislators and urge them to enact these bills next year
Furthermore, urge your legislators to go further and get government completely out of education — as had been the case in the United States before the late 1800s. Also, we encourage all parents to get their children out of the government school system and instead pursue sound alternatives such as homeschooling and patriotic private schools.
Gun Control
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has scheduled a special session for gun control beginning on August 21. The legislation that will likely be considered during that session, including a “red flag” law and a bill banning people taking certain antidepressants from owning firearms, severely infringe upon the God-given right to self-defense. Unfortunately, during the regular 2023 session, legislators did not enact other legislation that would restore protections of the God-given right to self-defense.
Please contact Governor Lee (Tennesseans can give feedback of the special session on the governor’s website), along with your state representative and senator, and urge them to oppose any form of gun control — and to instead expand protections of the God-given right to self-defense.
Other Legislation
We had been monitoring Senate Bill 572 (SB 572), which would have been a major step toward authorizing digital driver’s licenses, joining many other states that have already created such systems. This is a significant and dangerous step toward the creation of a digital ID. Thankfully, SB 572 was withdrawn; however, such legislation could be introduced at a later date. Contact your state legislators and urge them to oppose the creation of any digital driver’s license or digital ID.
Continue Your Education and Action Efforts
The John Birch Society encourages you to remain in contact with and educate your state legislators about nullification and other topics imperative to keeping our Republic and promoting individual liberty.
As Robert Welch wrote, “education is our total strategy, and truth is our only weapon.”