Are your candidates pro-liberty?

Before you vote in the Tennessee primary election, do you know where your candidates stand on major liberty issues?

Have your federal candidates said what they think of Audit the Fed?

Will they support BANNING a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and ENDING the Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs?

How about opposing using military action without a declaration of war?

Will the candidates for state legislature support liberty in any future health emergency and uphold your Second Amendment rights?

Frank, I wrote to you recently about Campaign for Liberty’s hard-hitting Candidate Survey Program.

This comprehensive program puts candidates on the record on many of the greatest challenges facing our nation today.

With a skyrocketing debt and Big Government constantly assaulting individual liberty, it’s never been more important we know where our current and potential legislators stand. . .

. . . and that we pour on the pressure to hold them to their word once they’re in office, if they pledge to protect liberty.

Click here to learn where your state legislative candidates stand.

Click here to see where your candidates for U.S. House and Senate stand.