Media Rushes to Blame Trump For Assassination Attempt

Erick-Woods Erickson

“Be angry and do not sin.” Ephesians 4:26.

If you want to avenge Donald Trump after this attempted assassination, go vote. Donate. Knock on doors and persuade people to vote for him. Help people get registered to vote. Help people get their absentee ballots processed. Volunteer to be a poll worker for your local county government. Volunteer to be a poll watcher for the GOP. Get involved and get Trump elected. That is the best way to respond to this.

It is both disgusting and remarkable that, within minutes and hours of the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, the media was blaming Donald Trump.

Jamie Gangel on CNN lamented that, in the thirty seconds after Donald Trump got shot, he did not urge people to tone down the rhetoric, instead choosing to show the crowd he was okay by raising up his fist and yelling, “Fight.”

Margaret Brennan on CBS, after Trump released a statement mourning the dead and praising law enforcement, lamented he did not urge people to tone down the rhetoric.


The victim is fine and the media is upset.

Frankly, the media’s rhetoric, not just the politicians, has been to attack Trump as a threat to democracy, a would be dictator, and an autocrat unless someone stops him. MSNBC ran an entire series called “American Autocracy” about what life would be like under Donald Trump.

Now, the press is blaming Trump for not toning down the rhetoric. The press won’t be happy until Trump is killed.

Will there be any lecture to the left, to Democrats, or reporters who have screamed about what a threat Trump is? Will Oliver Darcy at CNN shame MSNBC for its repeated latent calls for someone to take out Trump?

I won’t hold my breath. But I’ve got the receipts. Take a listen.