I won’t mince words here:  The government-controlled media has been vilifying Trump for eight long years, comparing him to Hitler and claiming he would “destroy our Democracy”, if not our entire nation if he took office again.  The media knows exactly what they were doing, and that was to create at least one monster, if not many more, who would be duped into thinking he’d be a hero if he killed Trump.  There are definitely more like this shooter out there.  We see their psychotic, hate-filled comments against Trump every day!

The only thing left was to provide opportunity, and the Secret Service provided that by not following solid Secret Service protocol.  The Secret Service let a shooter get within 140 yards of Trump on the roof of a nearby building with a high-powered rifle, and even gave him time to line up his shot and fire.  You’ve got to be kidding me if you don’t think this was a deliberate act orchestrated by Biden, a known criminal.

It is illegal for a person to yell, “Fire” in a crowded theater, but that is exactly what this evil media has been doing, bearing false witness against another person, including anyone who supports him.

Carl F. Worden