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Quite obviously, judging from the vitriol spewing forth from Joy Reid, just yesterday, you did nothing.  And since you all are so good at spewing hate, inciting violence, maybe you could answer these questions, regarding the people you claim are violent …

Since President Trump was shot, on Saturday …

  • 1.       How many riots have there been?
  • 2.       How many stores, across the US, were looted and burned by Trump supporters?
  • 3.       How many police stations, across the US, were trashed and burned by Trump supporters?
  • 4.       How many police cars, across the US, have been burned by Trump supporters?

If you are being truthful, the answer to all those questions, is none.

Remember when the reporter stood in front of a burning building and proclaimed the “summer of love” riots mostly peaceful?  Remember the over 500 people killed or injured during those riots?  Remember the Chaz autonomous zone in Seattle where a police station was gutted, and a young man was murdered?  Remember the $1.3 billion in damage done to cities by rioting?  Remember the seige of the Federal Courthouse in Portland?

Yeah, so do I.  Who are the violent ones?  Who are the ones spewing hate?

The answer is obvious.  It is equally obvious that MSNBC supports violence and hate, but hates anyone who stands for our U.S. Constitution.