EV Reality Check

The scam is even worse than this.  The U.S. power grid is not capable, now, nor capable at any time in the foreseeable future, of handling an influx of EVs. 

So, you might wonder, why is the Biden Regime and at least 13 states mandating 100% EV sales by the year 2030 or 2035? 

In understanding the goal, you understand why.  The goal is to get people out of their POV and onto public transportation.  If people can’t charge their EV, and it will happen as electricity becomes rationed and controlled, people will be forced to use public transporation.

If the government can control how and where people can travel; the government can control the people.

From a Canadian friend.

 Thx Bobbie

This is more important to adults in the audience.

K of PA

Our Liberal ‘friends’ seem  to live in a parallel universe.

A Liberal turned Conservative is someone who was mugged last night.

That happened on 911 but apparently wasn’t a permanent change.

Click on the blue link fine print.

Watch “Man slams electric vehicles as the ‘biggest scam of modern times’ and here’s why #shorts” on YouTube