
Eric-Woods Erickson

Historian Gertrude Himmelfarb once wrote, “What was once stigmatized as deviant behavior is now tolerated and even sanctioned; what was once regarded as abnormal has been normalized .… As deviancy is normalized, so what was once normal becomes deviant. The kind of family that has been regarded for centuries as natural and moral — the ‘bourgeois’ family as it is invidiously called — is now seen as pathological.”

The Democrats are taking a bet that Americans are far more willing to embrace men who think they are women and men who dress as dogs to have sex than a veteran married to an Indian woman with mixed-race kids who thinks perpetuating humanity and the nation is a good thing.

It is the logical end of deviancy becoming normal. When Democrats think J.D. Vance is weird and Rachel Levine is not, we reach a tipping point in the direction of the nation.

When Kamala Harris thinks standing next to a drag queen is normal, but Vance standing next to his wife is not, we reach a tipping point in the direction of the nation.

When progressives think a multiracial family and interracial adoption are weird, but separating political supporters by race and gender is not, we reach a tipping point in the direction of the nation.

I would respectfully suggest, however, that the Trump campaign response be very simple.

The Democrats have resorted to name-calling because they cannot defend Joe Biden’s policies.

The Democrats are calling us names to distract from high grocery prices.

The Democrats are calling us names to distract from the border czar’s open border.

The issues and policies still matter.

A month and a half ago, the very same people telling you the election has turned in Harris’s favor were telling you Joe Biden was fine.

However, the issues remain, and they work in Trump’s favor.

What’s weird is the Democrats and the press do not understand that.