Gary Varvel: Kamala’s open-border Walz


Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is Kamala Harris’ Vice Presidential running mate. Who is this guy? Well, for one thing, he has a puzzling interest in the Communist Chinese. He spends a lot of time there. He got married there. I’m not suggesting that he’s colluding with the communists the way that Democrats tried to pin Russian Collusion on President Trump. I don’t know what China’s President Xi thinks about our presidential election but I bet he likes Walz’s fascination with the communists.

Here’s a look at Kamala’s running mate:


During the George Floyd “mostly peaceful protests,” Walz told the police to stand down when the protesters burned down the police station. He didn’t call up the National Guard for 3 days. The cost of the riot was 3 dead and $500 million in damage. Walz’s wife said she opened the windows in her home so she could smell the burning tires during the protests. That’s weird.


Walz loves socialism. He says democrats shouldn’t shy away from progressive values. He said in a CNN interview, “One man’s socialism is another man’s neighborliness.”

Remember the words of Margaret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is eventually, you run out of other people’s money.”

Open Borders

Walz believes in open borders. He said that if Trump built a 25-foot wall, he would invest in a 30-foot ladder factory. He wants to give free tuition to illegal aliens. That’s weird.

Driver’s licenses for illegal aliens

Walz signed a bill giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. Can voter registrations be far behind? That’s weird.


Why did Kamala pass on Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, the popular governor in a swing state to pick a running mate from Minnesota, a state that always votes blue? Answer: Because Shapiro is jewish. And the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, and what Todd Starnes called, the “Death to America” caucus wing of the Democrat Party wouldn’t support a Jewish pro-Israel candidate. Even CNN’s Democrat political commentator Van Jones said, “Shapiro was likely passed over due to his pro-Israel stance and Jewish faith.”

Pro-Trans Madness

Walz champions the transgender madness. He proudly signed a Minnesota law that mandates all public school bathrooms, grades 4-12, include dispensers for tampons for transgender youths. That’s right, tampons in boys’ bathrooms. That’s weird. Conservatives have nicknamed Walz, “Tampon Tim.”


In honor of Minnesota’s Somali immigrants, he changed the Minnesota State Flag to a flag that looks similar to the flag of Somalia. That’s weird.

Pro-Big Brother

In 2020, Walz created a tattle-tale hotline for people to snitch on their neighbors who violated the stay-at-home order. That’s weird.

Walz calls Trump and J.D. Vance weird. In a clown world, normal is weird.