What Would Ruthless Republicans Do?

Erick-Woods Erickson

I keep hearing from fellow Republicans that they like Donald Trump because he’s a fighter. For nearly eight years, this group of people has told me they are so sick and tired of losing to the left because progressives are meaner, nastier, more ruthless, and willing to do things that Republicans are not.

These mean and nasty Democrats are so focused on winning that they took their democratically nominated candidate and forced him out just so they would have a shot at winning. According to the polling, it may be working. The blowout lead that Donald Trump had a month ago, is at best a tie and at worst a slight Harris lead.

For these same Republicans who want to be as mean and nasty as the Democrats, the question must be asked: Is it time to ditch Donald Trump for a candidate who can win? The short answer to the question is no because Trump deserves a reset. But if the GOP does not get it right, I suspect after a loss some of his supporters will wonder about the ruthlessness. Watch: