Muth’s Truths August 16 2024

* If you’re looking for something to hand out to people comparing Trump’s record vs. Kamala’s record, click here.  Thank you, Richard Viguerie!
* Nevada Attorney General A.Ron Ford’s lady-in-waiting routine with Kamala Harris is embarrassing.  It’s clear he’s angling for a job in DC now that he’s been advised that he has no chance against Gov. Joe Lombardo in 2026.
* And his refusal to investigate the Democrats’ Act Blue money-laundering scandal, while continuing his Ahab-like obsession with going after his GOP political opponents, is nothing but raw partisanship.
* But his fundraising email yesterday really takes the cake. Gold medal for Chutzpah.
* Subject line: “Did you see me on MSNBC?”  Look at me, me, me, me, me!  Man, what an overinflated ego.
* He goes on the shower Kamala with schoolboy-like puppy-love praise and hero worship and, of course, his regular dose of race-hustling identity politics:
     “I stand with her 100%, and I know that Vice President Harris is ready to serve as our first Black Woman President.”
* Imagine a white politician writing, “I know that former President Trump is ready to serve as our 46th White Male President.”
* But here’s the kicker: At the end of his drivel, Ford asks for money.  But not for Kamala. For HIMSELF!
     “Will you join me in supporting her by contributing to my campaign efforts today?”
* And yes, his donation page is serviced by ActBlue. No wonder he won’t investigate!
* The Cook Political Report today moved Nevada’s U.S. Senate race from “Toss Up” to “Lean D” after a new (though arguably questionable) poll shows Democrat incumbent Jacky Rosen up 18 points over Republican challenger Sam Brown.
* I like Sam. I respect his service.  And I admire his courage on the battlefield.  But his campaign is lethargic. You might even say, “low-energy.”
* The few punches he’s throwing at Rosen are weak sauce.  And he rarely counter-punches, even on social media.  If he’s gonna win in November, his campaign really needs to step up its game.
* Point of personal pride to wrap up…
* My eldest daughter Kristen, at age 24, has been around politics all her life but isn’t sure if it’s something she wants to sink her teeth into professionally. 
* Nevertheless, she recently decided to do some door-knocking this cycle with American Majority and has been hired to do some field work for Assembly candidate Kelly Chapman through November.
* At this late date, she’s definitely thrown herself into the deep end of the pool without a life jacket.  So to cut the learning curve, she signed up to attend the Leadership Institute’s four-day “Campaign Management School” in DC.
* Over the years I’ve taken multiple courses at LI – and have even worked as a volunteer instructor for them. 
* I’ll be forever grateful to founder Morton Blackwell for my ongoing political education – including his nine-day Campaign Leadership College that I enrolled in last October.  FAR more valuable than some poli-sci degree from an Ivy League school!
* Anyway, here’s a photo of “daddy’s little girl” with Morton that was shot yesterday…

* Can’t wait for her to get back and tell me all about it!

“Every man with a pair of testicles is voting for Donald Trump in 2024.  Every woman with a pair of testicles is voting for Kamala Harris in 2024.” – Author unknown

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at  His views are his own.