If She Weren’t a Lesbian, Would the Press Cover This?

Erick-Woods Erickson

What if I told you that a sitting US Senator is in a relationship and living with a private wealth manager who specializes in investing in the industry the Senator oversees on a subcommittee? What if I told you that this couple has not disclosed their financial statements or cared to explain how the investment manager is not leveraging inside information from the elected official to benefit her clients?

The situation described above is quite literally playing out in Wisconsin with Senator Tammy Baldwin and Maria Brisbane and is willfully being ignored by nearly every major media outlet. Because this is a same-sex couple who refuses to get married and can therefore skip formal financial disclosures that apply to every other Senator and spouse, the media is willfully oblivious to the nature of the situation.

The New York Post continues to break stories like this and the Hunter Biden laptop story while other media outlets like Axios are defending the merits of price fixing. Watch:

The other big story you need to know about is the historic revision that just happened to the federal jobs report. From March of 2023 to March of 2024, the US government claimed the economy generated 818,000 more jobs than it actually did. The result is a labor market that is grossly less healthy than we anticipated with more downward revisions possible before the end of the year.

Some people think it’s a government conspiracy to help the Democrats. I’m not saying no, but the timing is odd with an election less than 90 days away. Here’s my take: