Gavin Newsom Admits Democrats Rigged the Primary for Kamala Harris

Swamp Digest

Kamala Harris’ candidacy and honeymoon period suffered a major jolt. 

Kamala never would have guessed one of her closest allies would sabotage her in such a way. 

And Kamala Harris was left speechless by what this top Democrat confessed about her. 

California Governor Gavin Newsom appeared on Pod Save America; the podcast hosted by former Obama aides who played a key role in the coup against Joe Biden. 

The “Pod Bros” – as they were called – continually attacked Joe Biden on social media and helped create the environment of negativity in the party that eventually forced Biden from the race. 

Once Biden ended his re-election campaign, the party quickly coalesced around Kamala Harris and installed her as the nominee despite the fact that in two Presidential primary campaigns not a single Democrat voted for Kamala. 

Donald Trump blasted the rigged process that crowned Kamala as the nominee as a coup. 

Critics contended that Democrats voiding the results of the primary – where 14,000,000 Democrats cast a ballot for Joe Biden to be their nominee – undercut the party’s claim that they were running to protect democracy from Donald Trump. 

In his appearance on Pod Save America, Newsom admitted the critics were right in the most shameless manner necessary.

“How are you feeling about the switch?” co-host Jon Favreau asked Newsom. 

Newsom sarcastically mocked the idea that Democrats held a real process to pick a nominee. 

“We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process. It was bottom-up, I don’t know if you know that. That’s what I’ve been told to say!” Newsom chuckled. 

Newsom doubled down on ridiculing the process to nominate Kamala as a sham, calling it a “30 minute convention.” 

Democrats didn’t want anyone to challenge Joe Biden in the primary. 

And after Biden imploded in the June 27 debate, Democrats waited until after the Republican convention to switch in Kamala – which meant the GOP wasted four days on endless free media attacking Joe Biden instead of the eventual nominee. 

By waiting until the last minute to pull the switcheroo, Democrats ensured that Kamala Harris wouldn’t face any scrutiny or vetting that would expose her weakness as a candidate. 

That allowed Kamala to run a campaign based on “vibes” and avoid taking positions on issues or answering questions from reporters, both of which could trip her up by exposing her radical left ideology and her inability to coherently communicate her views. 

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