CNN Calls Out Tim Walz for False Claims About His Arrest

Original Post

Kamala Harris picking Minnesota Governor Tim Walz looks like a bigger blunder every day.

Walz finds himself engulfed in scandal after scandal.

And now Tim Walz was arrested and this disturbing truth emerged.

Democrats are learning the downside of trying to stand up a presidential campaign in less than 100 days.

Replacing Joe Biden at the last moment may have allowed Kamala Harris to run as an idea and not as a politician with a record, but it also meant there would be a shotgun vetting period to pick a running mate.

And it’s now clear that former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder rushed through the process without actually digging through Walz’s biography.

All Democrats saw was a Midwestern governor who used to coach football and thought that biography would sell.

Instead, Democrats put a serial fabulist on the ticket.

The latest debacle came when CNN uncovered that Walz’s campaign lied about every aspect of his 1995 DUI arrest when Walz ran for Congress in 2006 claiming he wasn’t drinking and that police let him drive himself to the station.

“The DUI charge was dropped for a Reason: it wasn’t true,” the communications director for Walz’s congressional campaign said back in 2006. “The trooper had him drive to the station and then leave on his own after being at the station. Tim feels bad about speeding and has paid the ticket and apologized to his family at the time it happened.”

Walz also claimed he failed the field sobriety test because of hearing loss stemming from his service in the Minnesota National Guard.

Every single piece of this was a lie.

Police pulled over Walz after he drove 96 in a 55.

CNN reported that Walz’s blood alcohol level was well over the limit, and that police dragged Walz to the hospital for a blood test.

According to court and police records connected to the incident, Walz admitted in court that he had been drinking when he was pulled over for driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone in Nebraska. Walz was then transported by a state trooper to a local hospital for a blood test, showing he had a blood alcohol level of .128, well above the state’s legal limit of 0.1 at the time,” CNN exclusively reported.

CNN also spoke to the Nebraska State Police who gave a statement explaining that police would have taken a DUI suspect like Walz into custody and driven them to the station.

“Under NSP procedure, a person suspected of impaired driving is not allowed to continue driving,” Cody Thomas, spokesman for the Nebraska State Patrol, said to CNN. “In this case, the suspect was transported by the trooper and was lodged in Dawes County Jail.”

Walz’s stolen valor scandal isn’t the only lie about his biography.

The question now is, did Kamala Harris not adequately vet Walz and not uncover his lies or did she know about Walz’s lies and just not care?