Dark Chocolate May Be Good for the Eyes

Indulging in a little dark chocolate might be good for your eyes, according to a recent study. Researchers from Italy found that eating just a few squares of dark chocolate—around three from a standard bar—could improve how well the blood vessels in your eyes work. These vessels are essential for maintaining clear and healthy vision.

“The most surprising aspect was that a relatively small dose of dark chocolate is able to modify the motility and dilation of retinal vessels,” lead author Giuseppe Querques told The Epoch Times in an email. Motility and dilation refer to the ability of blood vessels in the retina to move and expand.

Querques, who is also a professor of ophthalmology at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan, said that this suggests that dark chocolate might help prevent eye diseases and could have broader health benefits, as the effects seen in the eye’s blood vessels might reflect how cocoa affects the rest of the body.