The Grifters On The Right

Erick-Woods Erickson

Let me cut straight to the point here: I am deeply disturbed by the number of people on my side who are willfully being played by grifters on the right. To be honest, it’s painful to watch. I don’t claim to be the only honest broker in the business but it increasingly appears that there are fewer and fewer of us who are simply here to tell you the truth and follow wherever that may lead. 

Tucker Carlson heralded Darryl Cooper as a trusted and honest historian before allowing him (without pushback) to defend the Nazi’s behavior during the Holocaust and attack Winston Churchill. Cooper is not a trained historian by any stretch but has a long history of taking contrarian positions in order to generate buzz. Speaking of buzz, the windfall of media attention resulting from this interview happened just as Carlson’s nationwide speaking tour kicked off with ticket prices rivaling Taylor Swift’s.

The indictment of two Russian employees of Russia Today has implicated a number of prominent conservatives with severe allegations that they unknowingly created content that was used as Russian propaganda. Many of these individuals were paid up to $400K PER MONTH to create just a handful of videos but had no intellectual curiosity to ask where the money was coming from. 

There is a concerted effort to manipulate people’s lack of institutional trust into believing the Siren Song they want to be true. With every passing day, there are only more examples.