Abortion Pill Kills Yet Another Woman, Leaving Parts of Her Baby Inside Her

Steven Ertelt | Life News

The dangerous abortion pill has claimed yet another woman’s life. Just days after news reports surfaced that the mifepristone abortion pill killed a Georgia woman, now new information has come to light indicating a second Georgia woman has been killed by the abortion pill.

As LifeNews reported, Georgia resident Amber Nicole Thurman died after she took the abortion pill – that caused complications when it left parts of her twin unborn babies inside her.

Thurman legally obtained abortion pills in North Carolina to end the lives of her unborn twins. Five days later, after returning to her native Georgia, she experienced a serious complication: some of her babies’ remains were still in the uterus, and she was developing an infection.

Doctors monitored her condition and hospitalized her but she died before they could do a D&C medical procedure to remove the parts of the unborn babies left inside her and finish the incomplete abortion caused by the failed abortion pill.

Now, a Georgia woman named Candi Miller has died following a botched aboriton due to the abortion pill.

According to multiple reports, the 41-year-old woman ordered abortion pills online, but they caused an incomplete abortion, leaving parts of the baby’s body inside her. She would need a would need a dilation and curettage procedure, which is not an abortion, to remove the parts of the baby, but she stayed at home and did not go to the emergency room or a doctor for the care, which is fully allowed under Georgia law.

Her teenage son watched her suffer for days after she took the pills, bedridden and moaning and then, on the morning of November 13, 2022, Miller died. Her husband found her unresponsive in bed, her 3-year-old daughter at her side. An autopsy found the parts of the aborted baby left inside her and it also found a lethal combination of painkillers and fentanyl — likely taken to combat the pain.

A leading pro-life group told LifeNews it was dismayed bu her very preventable death.

“We mourn the senseless loss of Amber, Candi, and their unborn children. We agree their deaths were preventable. But let’s be absolutely clear: Georgia’s law and every pro-life state law calls on doctors to act in circumstances just like theirs. If abortion advocates weren’t spreading misinformation and confusion to score political points, it’s possible the outcome would have been different,” said SBA Pro-Life America’s State Policy Director Katie Daniel. “Amber and Candi deserve to be thriving together with their children today. We stand with state attorneys general who continue to fight for women’s health and safety and we call on every state to take action against deadly misinformation.”

SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser added:

“The common factors in the tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller are dangerous abortion drugs and inappropriate care for their complications. Instead of a real investigation of the profit-driven abortion industry, pro-abortion media and Democrats who support no limits on abortion are running cover. The pro-life community has spent years raising the alarm about abortion drugs that send one in 25 women to the emergency room. Specifically, we’ve warned about illegal abortion drug rings like Aid Access that pocket a quick $80 while putting women’s lives in serious danger. Against those warnings, the Biden-Harris administration recklessly greenlit mail-order abortion drugs, and Democrat-run states even passed laws shielding illegal abortion drug sellers from accountability.”

Ingrid Skop, M.D., FACOG, a board-certified ob-gyn who serves as vice president and director of medical affairs at Charlotte Lozier Institute, stated:

“The tragic deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller in Georgia demonstrate conclusively how dangerous medically unsupervised, ‘self-managed’ abortion drugs are, as we have been warning for years. Yet, the FDA has steadily removed important safeguards on these drugs, allowing them to be ordered online and delivered in the mail without a single in-person doctor visit. Both women suffered failed abortions requiring surgical treatment. Amber died from sepsis, a complication the FDA alerts physicians to watch for in its ‘black box’ warning on mifepristone. Physicians must be aware of this risk and swiftly intervene.

“Candi’s family states she did not seek medical care because she was worried about prosecution, but every pro-life state law prohibits prosecution of women for seeking an abortion. Intentional misinformation by pro-abortion media regarding criminal penalties and claims that abortion drugs are ‘safer than Tylenol’ frighten women so that they do not seek medical care when they suffer complications like severe pain and heavy bleeding. This misinformation is to blame for these women’s tragic deaths, not pro-life state laws protecting them and their unborn children.”

The Facts: Abortion Drugs Are Dangerous

  • Abortion drugs are associated with significantly higher rates of severe or critical ED visits compared to surgical abortions and live births.
  • In September 2022, 24-year-old mother Alyona Dixon – a Nevada resident – died of sepsis less than a week after seeking a drug-induced abortion at Planned Parenthood. Nevada has permissive abortion laws with few limits.
  • Last year, 22 pro-life state attorneys general including Georgia AG Chris Carr sent a letter urging the FDA to reverse its dangerous decision to eliminate in-person distribution of abortion drugs.
  • Abortion drug complications are sorely underreported to the FDA – only 5% are reported. From 2020-2022, a handful of states reported 1,004 complications while the FDA reported just 17.