On Barack Obama

Erick-Woods Erickson

Before I get to Obama, I’d like to start with a short observation. As Lt. Governor Robinson refuses to get out of the race, his supporters insist that GOP pundits are always weak kneed and ready to throw a candidate out over any Democrat smear. They insist the Democrats would stand by their man and fight and Republicans keep losing because they abandon their candidates.

Joe Biden would like a word. So too would Jim McGreevy. Also, Robinson has half the money in the bank his Democrat opponent does and the Republicans are, at this point, not even trying to keep pace with the Democrats’ ad spending. Robinson was ten points behind the Democrat before this stuff. He was and is running further behind in North Carolina against the Democrat than Joe Biden has ever run behind Trump nationally or even in North Carolina. He was a bad and losing candidate before this stuff, but North Carolina Republican primary voters could only see he spoke MAGA as his native tongue.

Now, on to Obama. I put this on Twitter the other night and decided to expand it here in part because of the level of incredulity from reporters I know. They just couldn’t fathom I would say such things. Of course they couldn’t!

I keep thinking about how the media always loves to make Barack Obama the hero. He’s always their model president. Let’s consider the model president.

Unlike every other President in American history, Obama continued to stay in the nation’s capital after leaving office and still receives foreign dignitaries as if he is a shadow president.

In office, Barack Obama told his supporters to take guns to knife fights. He told Hispanic voters that Republicans were their enemies. He told his supporters to get in their neighbors faces and argue.

Obama’s re-election campaign pioneered the tactic of mailing people campaign literature that identified their neighbors’ partisan affiliations and whether or not they had voted — making neighborhoods explicitly partisan battlegrounds.

Obama set up an office in the White House that encouraged Americans to rat out their neighbors if their neighbors might be lying about Obamacare.

Obama sued nuns to try to force them to pay for abortions.

Obama used reporters and pundits to lie about his Iran deal, blatantly misrepresenting it to the public with the help of willing reporters. He also spied on Israel, its Prime Minister, and members of the United States Congress who were rallying to oppose his Iran deal. Yes, Obama deployed the resources of the government to spy on his public policy opponents..