I fought REAL ID for years.  It was implemented on the premise that it would stiffle the ability of illegal aliens to work inside the United States.  Of course, that was not true.  What it did, however, was to force every U.S. Citizen to be identified and databased at the federal level if they wanted that endorsement on their driver license that would allow them to fly on an air plane. 

The SAVE Act – H.R. 8281 – uses the REAL ID Act in the same manner and with the same claim.

Neither of these Acts have or will stop any illegal alien from getting a job or registering to vote.  In fact, H.R. 8281, Section 2(a)(5)(B) actually regcognizes a Certificate of Live Birth as a legal document for the purposes of registering an individual – legal or illegal – to vote; by inference making any individual who uses the document to register to vote a legal citizen by default:

I’ve sent this to Chip Roy.  That section is still in the bill.  I can only conclude that Chip Roy, as prime sponser of H.R. 8281, is not working in the best interests of American citizens, that he knows and supports this nefarious means of granting illegal aliens U.S. citizenship.

An alert has come out, as follows:  “the TSA just announced the proposed DHS rule on September 12, 2024, requesting public comments on the government’s plan to impose the REAL ID through progressively more painful enforcement over a two-year period.”

The information, regarding this move, and where you can comment, is found here –

Please take the time to oppose this move.  Please spread this email, far and wide.  The SAVE Act is a wolf in sheeps clothing.  The REAL ID Act should have been challenged, constitutionally, a long time ago.  Let’s not allow them to engrain the REAL ID Act any further.

