NOW AVAILABLE! “The Other Side of Jacky Rosen”

(Chuck Muth) – Welcome to “Saving Private Brown.”
As noted here and here over the past couple of days, the U.S. Senate campaign of GOP candidate Sam Brown is in big trouble. 
“Low energy” and “lacks substance” are the main problems voiced by Nevada Republicans that I’ve heard from.
But this seat is too important – for our state and the country – to have it run into the ground by high-priced DC consultants and a candidate who lacks fire in the belly on the campaign trail. 
Indeed, this election isn’t about Brown, but who will represent US.  And we sure don’t want it to be Sen. Jacky Rosen again for another six years!
So we have to take matters into our own hands.
Last winter I was asked to do extensive research and write a book on the REAL Jacky Rosen – the one the liberal media hides from voters, not the one her campaign portrays on social media and in all those TV/radio ads.
It’s a short, 32-page, pocket-sized booklet which was designed to be mailed to 200,000+ non-partisan and Hispanic voters in Nevada.
I only wrote the book.  I have nothing to do with its distribution.  However, the publisher has allowed me to post PDF versions – in both English and Spanish (coming soon) – that folks can download for FREE.
In “The Other Side of Jacky Rosen” I cover…

  • Who’s really funding her multi-million-dollar campaign
  • Her real record on the dangerous border crisis
  • Her real record on the exploding crime wave
  • Her real record on causing inflation
  • Her real record on men competing in women’s sports
  • Her real record on “playing the race card”
  • Her real record on parental school choice
  • Her lies about the abortion issue in Nevada

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 3 to whet your appetite…

     A couple years ago, I went on a cruise to Mexico.

     While docked in Puerta Vallarta, we decided to take a bus tour around the city. As the bus passed the local Home Depot, our Mexican tour guide deadpanned, “And over on your right is where the Americans hang out looking for work.”

     Everyone erupted in laughter!

     No one was offended. Nobody got their feelings hurt. Nobody demanded the tour guide be sent to “sensitivity training.” It was just good-natured humor – something seriously lacking these days in U.S. politics, especially when it comes to the issue of immigration.

     Illegal immigration. There’s a difference. A big difference. …

     Thanks to the policies of Biden/ Harris Democrats (like Jacky Rosen), every state – including Nevada – is now a border state suffering the consequences of illegal immigration. …

     Yes, we are a nation of immigrants. But more importantly, we’re a nation of laws. And if you can’t come into our country legally, then you shouldn’t be coming in at all.

The book is chock full of information and quotes you can use on social media (see samples below) to combat the misinformation being put out by Rosen’s camp and echoed by left-wing trolls.

If Sam won’t aggressively defend himself and give as good as he gets, well, we’re just gonna have to do it for him. 

CLICK HERE to download and read your complimentary copy of “The REAL Jacky Rosen.” 

And share the link with your friends and family – especially those who may still be undecided or thinking of voting again for Sen. Rosen.


  • “Nevadans rarely see (Rosen) and hardly ever hear from her – except during election season. It’s as if she borrowed Harry Potter’s ‘Invisibility Cloak.’ And when she does speak out, it’s often in D.C. wonk talk, from both sides of her mouth, trying to have her cake and eat it, too.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “The Democratic Party is no longer what it used to be. And Senator Rosen is not the ‘moderate’ she claims to be.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “The public image (Rosen) puts forward is that of a moderate who works with both sides of the aisle in a bipartisan fashion. But her actual voting record tells a totally different story. Sen. Rosen voted with Biden 98.6% of the time…” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “In 2018, while she was still in the House of Representatives, (Rosen) voted against the ‘Securing America’s Future Act,’ which would have spent $25 billion for border security.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “In February 2019, Sen. Rosen declared there was ‘no justification’ to declare a national emergency at the border.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “According to a 2023 report at, Rosen had raised about $325,000 from individuals in the ‘TV/Movies/Music’ industry alone, leading Michael McAdams to quip, ‘With how frequently Jacky Rosen is in Hollywood, you’d think she’s pitching a movie script, not running for U.S. Senate.’” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “(T)he single largest pool of money going into Rosen’s campaign bank account has come from lobbyists and special interests in our nation’s capital and three other states! … “95% of Rosen’s money came from people and groups not in Nevada!” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “It’s time to make crime illegal again. But over the past five-plus years, what has Sen. Rosen done to fix the situation? She’s tried to make it worse.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “(Rosen’s) voted for every piece of Biden’s foreign policy and economic agenda [Bidenomics], claiming it would ‘bring much-needed relief to Nevadans.’ Which, of course, it hasn’t. Just look at your grocery bill.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “(Rosen’s) been in D.C. almost eight years. And she’s almost always supported Biden/Harris and voted for the Democrats’ policies that are sucking money out of your wallet like a turbo-charged vacuum cleaner.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “In March 2024, Rosen voted against an amendment proposed by Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville that would have prevented men from competing in women’s sports.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “Race hustlers like Sen. Rosen still keep trying to play the race card—especially against law enforcement officers.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “Critics noted that (Rosen’s) bill would increase costs, increase bureaucracy, hurt police morale, hurt police recruitment, endanger police officers, strain the relationship between cops and the communities they protect, infringe on officers’ constitutional rights, and be exploited for political gain.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “Rosen doesn’t support a parent’s right to pick which school their child goes to. She’s in the pocket of the modern-day teachers’ unions that donate lots of money to her and that want to trap kids in failing public schools based on their zip code.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “Like it or not, that law has been on the books for over 30 years, and there is absolutely no effort underway to repeal it. But that hasn’t stopped Sen. Rosen from campaigning and fundraising off it.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen
  • “If Democrats continue to control the U.S. Senate, the trainwreck will occur even sooner. If Jacky Rosen is reelected to the Senate, Democrats are more likely to keep their power. And you can turn out the lights.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen


Trans ‘Yacht Killer’ Gets Taxpayer-Funded Sex-Change Surgery
Kamala Harris’s support for taxpayer-funded sex changes for transgender inmates has emerged as a vulnerability on the campaign trail. (Free Beacon)

UNR Moves Forward with Volleyball Match vs. Trans Athlete
Despite the players’ concerns of fairness and safety, UNR intends to move forward with the match scheduled for October 26. (Nevada Globe)

Ethics questions over assembly leader’s role in firm that consulted Kamala Harris
Jauregui refuses to disclose her clients and any potential conflicts of interest. (KTVN)

On The Record with Annette Dawson Owens, GOP Candidate for Assembly District 29
As an educator, an advocate and a mother to six sons, she hopes to flip the district to strip Democrats of their supermajority in the Assembly. (Nevada Globe)

Lawsuits challenging Nevada’s voter rolls dropped ahead of 2024 election
The group behind three lawsuits asking courts to require counties to process voter registration challenges dropped the lawsuits, but said it is not finished fighting. (LVRJ)


  • Kamala Harris is *STILL* crashing. X
  • Boat with Nazi flags drenched by Trump supporters. X
  • Scott Jennings DESTROYS the narrative around Kamala requesting Trump’s health report. X
  • Body-cam: Trans-woman taken out after slashing cop’s face/throat. X
  • President Trump is NOT a fan of the new NFL kickoff rules. X
  • Hilarious. Senator Elizabeth Warren celebrating Columbus Day with her people. X
  • You literally can’t make this one up. And she’s not even blond! X
  • A Day Without Steve Inman is a Day Without Sunshine. X

For my most up-to-date list of recommendations, click here.
NOTE: These recommendations are subject to change right up through Election Day.
“CNN confirms my reporting that Kamala Harris plagiarized her book, Smart on Crime.” – Christopher Rufo
“I’m usually pretty skeptical about plagiarism claims, but the case made here about Kamala’s 2009 book on criminal justice is very strong. Major sections just copied wholesale with no attribution.” – Glenn Greenwald
“Hi, I’m JD Vance. I wrote my own book, unlike Kamala Harris, who copied hers from Wikipedia.” – J.D. Vance

Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.