When the left opposes Donald Trump now, they are not opposing the Trump of 2016 who lost the popular vote. Now, they are opposing a man who won the popular vote. He won the popular vote because the existing conventional wisdom and ideas of the elite in Washington have broken the country.
More Americans vote for Trump over anyone else because he is the great disruptor. On some of those issues, like tariffs, I think Donald Trump is wrong and will hurt the economy. But I also recognize so much of what the elite of both parties have prescribed for so long turned out to be so very wrong, we might as well give Trump a chance to disrupt and reorder. China has invaded our nation already. We have terrorist sleeper cells most likely here. Cities are overrun with illegal aliens. And inflation has wrecked the economy all while the media assures us things are really great.
We might as well see if Trump can do better than those he is replacing because they did not do that great a job.