In case you missed it, Vice President J.D. Vance delivered a long-overdue, blistering wakeup call to European leaders at the annual Munich Security Conference (MSC) in Germany. He warned that their greatest dangers are coming from “the threat from
within,” from the increasingly tyrannical censorship by their thought police and their open-borders policies that have flooded Europe with migrants. His 19-minute speech on February 14, the opening day of the conference, clearly riled many of our European “allies” and made many more shift uncomfortably in their seats.

The conference opened less than 24 hours after an Afghan asylum seeker rammed his car into a group of people in Munich, injuring 39, at least two of whom have subsequently died from their injuries. The 24-year old attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) before being subdued by police. He had been in Germany since 2016 even though his asylum application had been rejected, and he reportedly had been arrested on theft and drug charges. Germany’s progressive migrant policy had granted him a “tolerance” permit, and his deportation decision had been suspended. This attack was but the latest in a long stream of terrorist attacks by
Muslim migrants that have poured into Germany, thanks to the migration policies of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her European Union and United
Nations allies. Readers may recall the horrendous Christmas market attack of December 20, 2024, in Magdeburg, in which a Saudi national rammed his vehicle into a crowd, killing six and injuring 300. Then on January 22, in Aschaffenburg, Germany, an Afghanasylum seeker attacked a group of kindergarten children with a knife in a city park, killing a two-year-old child and an adult bystander who tried to stop him. Another child and two adults were wounded.

Similar attacks have become maddeningly commonplace throughout Europe, which is a major factor in the continent-wide rise of conservative parties that the regime media insist on labeling as “far-right,” “extremist,” “neo-Nazi,” and “fascist,” even when they are merely calling for a return to the common-sense border controls and immigration policies that were in place only a relatively short time ago. As a result, the surging Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany, AfD), which has made immigration its primary concern, may score a major victory in the February 23 Bundestag (parliament) elections. This has all of Europe’s globalists in a panic. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has belatedly issued tough rhetoric on migration and terrorism, but, like the Biden/Harris last minute vows about stopping the migration flood, nobody believes the empty electioneering hype. Nevertheless, the EU/NATO leaders at the MSC clearly were still not ready to hear the hard truths dished out by Donald Trump’s VP.

You can view the entire J.D. Vance MSC speech here. After acknowledging the terror attack of the previous day and expressing condolences to the victims, he got down to the real business of the moment. Here are some of the high points:

We gather at this conference, of course, to discuss security. And normally we mean threats to our external security…. But while the Trump administration is very concerned with European security and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine — and we also believe that it’s important in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defense — the threat that I worry the most about vis-a vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor.

What I worry about is the threat from within: The retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States of America.

I was struck that a former European commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election.

He warned that if things don’t go to plan, the very same thing could happen in Germany too.

Now, these cavalier statements are shocking to American ears. For years we’ve been told that everything we fund and support is in the name of our shared democratic values.

Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defense of democracy. But when we see European courts canceling elections and senior officials threatening to cancel others, we ought to ask whether we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately high standard. And I say ourselves, because I
fundamentally believe that we are on the same team.

On the same team? Vance was stretching. The EU/NATO crowd he was addressing has been committed to a globalist/socialist program completely opposite of the “America First” program of Team MAGA. He continued, detailing a few of the Orwellian developments now stalking Euroland:

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