Washington State Flag – HB 1938

Sent to all Washington state Democrats, House and Senate

Honorable Democrat,

A move is afoot to change the Washington State Flag.  Obviously, the flag is a direct reflection of the fact that Washington State was named for our very first President, known then and now as “the Father of our Country”, an esteemed man of character, faith and virtue.

Being as how Democrats don’t feel that President Washington represents “the state’s evolving identity”, I can only suggest that Washington’s face be replaced, on the flag, by someone who does represent “the state’s evolving identity”: Karl Marx.

This, of course, also requires that the name of the state be changed as I’m sure that the esteemed Father of our Country would not want his name associated with the likes of Karl Marx who really and truly believed he should be able to live off of and spend other people’s money.

In final, I have to wonder why Democrats are wasting time and money on this when the state is running a deficit.


Lynn Finney