Quote of the day

by Old Rebel (Mike Tuggle)

“This, then, remains a country in a Cold Civil War – not far off the geographical contours of the first, but with the inheritors of the Confederacy concentrated in the South and now also with serious pockets of absolutists in the more rural parts of the country as a whole.”

Andrew Sullivan, pseudo-conservative

Sullivan’s right, but not for the reason he imagines. Yes, there IS a “Cold Civil War” roiling the political waters today – and just as in 1861, it’s being fought to determine if we are to preserve our traditional culture and liberties, or if an overgrown central government will again sponsor a revolution. If DC wins this time around, we can expect the criminalization of ALL firearms, the confiscation of private retirement accounts, and the Third-Worldization of America.

Alexander Stephens’ prediction that the cause of the South would become the cause of all has been vindicated.