A valuable lesson from the Bible

I always have big plans for the summer, but summers are always too short. Believe it or not, this one is almost over!

“That’s why I want to encourage you to commit to learning more about the Bible this summer before it’s too late.”

We have a perfect course on the books of First and Second Samuel that is short enough that you’ll be able to finish before the summer is over by only watching one lecture a week.

The course I’m talking about is “The David Story: Shepherd, Father, King.” We primarily remember King David as the shepherd who defeated Goliath. But the complete story of David offers an unparalleled account of human nature and the complexities of faith, family, and politics that is one of the greatest things to read and know.

In the stories of Hannah and Eli, we discover profound lessons about raising our children and the dire consequences of not teaching them to be faithful to God.

In the relationship between Saul and David, we see the destructive force of Saul’s jealousy and learn from David how to respond to conflict in faith and obedience to God.

And in response to the calamities that befall his children, David reveals a path toward redemption from the tragedy and suffering caused by our own sins.

I encourage you to join us in exploring God’s lessons for us in the books of First and Second Samuel in this free online course, “The David Story: Shepherd, Father, King.

To dive deeper into the books of First and Second Samuel, click the link below.


I hope that you join us and take this free course. When you do, please tell us how the story of David has blessed your life.

Warm regards,

Juan E. Davalos, Ph.D. (cand.)
Director of Online Learning Marketing
Hillsdale College