Animal Farm Democrats

A glimpse into leftist self-destruction.

by Victor Davis Hanson 

Leftists make up things as they go along, as yesterday’s heresies (e.g., Biden seems demented) become today’s orthodoxies (e.g. Biden really is demented)—depending on the current party directive about what is most advantageous.

So many of the Democrats current dilemmas are self-inflicted— a result of their often illegal and always unethical efforts to warp democracy that boomerang upon them and remind us that hubris really does earn nemesis.

Note that there would never have been any presidential immunity suit before the Supreme Court had the Biden administration just not orchestrated local, state, and federal prosecutors to neuter Trump, Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential opponent.

That current lawfare effort marked the third sequential attempt to sabotage a political opponent’s campaign—following Hillary’s 2016 Russian “collusion”/Steele “dossier” scam, and Joe’s 2020 Russian “disinformation”/ “51 intelligence authorities” ruse.

In other words, had Nathan Wade not synchronized with the White House counsel’s office, had Merrick Garland not had his third-ranking federal prosecutor take over the Manhattan prosecution from the incompetent Alvin Bragg, and had not Garland picked the biased and previously failed special counsel Jack Smith to hound and rush to judgement Trump, the question of presidential immunity from Biden’s orchestrated lawfare would have never come up before the court.

The leftwing panic over Biden’s cognitive decline in the debate is not because he is clearly unable to fulfill the duties of a president (is there any other job in America that Joe Biden could perform other than being in charge of the nuclear codes?), and thus might injure the country. The hysteria instead arises solely because he might lose the Democrats power, either by losing the election—or by winning it, then crashing, and passing the country off into the hands of a cackling Kamala Harris.

Joe Biden should rejoice over the Supreme Court immunity ruling. After all, as president he knowingly and unlawfully kept classified files in his numerous private residences. He only came forward in fear—after siccing a special counsel after Trump for the same alleged crimes—that someone might ask whether Joe himself had such files.

Remember also that Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer was illegally given access to the files by Biden, and then in Hillary-style defied a federal subpoena by destroying taped evidence of such breaches—and with complete impunity.

Had the Democrats not gone berserk when Robert Hur found Biden indictable, save for his cognitive decline that would supposedly win him sympathy from a nullifying jury, and instead simply had agreed that Joe was near senile, and thus should have been indicted, then they would have had months and a real primary to have selected a living, breathing candidate.

Given the Harris dilemma—will any future presidential candidate ever again demagogue before the convention by boasting that he would pick his VP running-mate on the basis of race and gender (unless he is an incumbent facing conviction and removal, and thus envisions a mediocre VP candidate as an insurance policy)?

Why after years of the left caricaturing the Trump orange dermis, did an ashen Joe Biden reemerge bright Trumpian orange after his disastrous debate? Will any leftist ever again caricature the Trump tan that apparently now has offered a model of recovery for an in-extremis pallid Biden? Will this start a trend—emerge after a disastrous performance bright orange to reassure the nation you are A-Ok?

How could Chuck Schumer now grandstand and seriously say anything about Supreme Court decorum? In 2020 at the head of a frenzied pro-abortion throng, he threatented two justices by name and implied violence upon their persons? (“I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you”)?

Months later protestors, showed up illegally—but exempt from arrest given the conservative targets of their intimidation—at the homes of the justices, among them a would-be assassin.

The more Democrats grow hysterical, thrash about, and connive, all the more so they self-destruct.