Anti-Israel Incumbent Trounced in Primary

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a fierce pro-Palestinian advocate, was trounced in his primary against moderate Democrat George Latimer in what became the most expensive House primary in history.

Bowman, who gained notoriety for pulling a fire alarm to stall a House vote, was running in a district with a strong Jewish presence. Latimer, the winner, benefited from more than $14 million in ad spending by AIPAC, a leading pro-Israel lobbying group.

Bowman is the first member of the so-called leftist “Squad” to lose an election since the group formed in 2018. The same forces that opposed him have now targeted Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, also a “Squad” member.

In Colorado, Rep. Lauren Boebert easily won her primary despite switching districts and coming under fire for her behavior at a theater in Denver.