Apple Health Expansion opens for WA adults without legal status

Thanks, Democrats, for fleecing already over-taxed Washingtonians, once again.  Too bad we can’t confiscate your assets to pay for this violation of our rights as American citizens.  When you have to spend your own money, you don’t.  When you can effectively steal from taxpayers, and spend that money to buy votes, you do.

Send every illegal alien back to their country of origin.  No benefits, no cost to taxpayers.

Lynn Finney

By Elise Takahama | Seattle Times staff reporter

Registration begins Thursday for Apple Health’s new program that provides health care coverage to Washington adults without legal status.

Applications for the Medicaid-like program, known as Apple Health Expansion, will be open to all undocumented immigrants in Washington with income up to 138% of the federal poverty rate. Coverage begins July 1.

Apple Health Expansion will cover, with some limitations, primary and specialty care, emergency visits, dental services, pediatric care, pregnancy and labor services and others. There are no out-of-pocket costs or copays.