Attitude of Gratitude for Dan, Iris…and YOU!

(Chuck Muth) – Wow!  I’m overwhelmed.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who dug deep and kicked in some money yesterday to help defend our lawsuits against Nevada Secretary of State Aguilar’s directive telling county clerk/registrars not process our challenges of voters who have moved but remain on the Active voter rolls.
We received over a hundred donations ranging from $5 to $1,500…and I’m grateful for each and every one.  So glad to have earned your support. 
As you know, we’re up against great odds – as well as Democrat super-lawyer Marc Elias.  But we’ve done our homework and have filed our challenges “by the book.”
I’m cautiously optimistic.
Now it’s up to the courts to determine if citizens have a right to participate in efforts to clean up Nevada’s dirty voting files.  Our first hearing has been set for October 23 in Carson City.
And I’d be remiss if I didn’t again acknowledge some people who made this all happen…
First, Citizen Outreach’s Chief Operations Officer, Dan Burdish
I’m the “word” guy.  He’s the “numbers” guy.  And there’s no way in Hades I could have ever done the extensive research and data analysis he’s done to back up our challenges.
Secondly, Iris Stone and her mighty band of “boots on the ground” volunteers.
The reason our project has so much credibility is that “Iris’ Army” went door-to-door to CONFIRM the accuracy of Dan’s data. They got signed “Non-Resident Reports” which proved that the voters we suspected as having moved had, in fact, moved.
Without their early hard work, we’d still be at the starting gate.  So another BIG thank you to all our Pigpen Project volunteers.  You’ve made more of a difference than you realize. 
If we win this thing, take a HUGE bow!
Now, as a sidenote/update…
Thank you to everyone who took time to call and/or email Nye County Clerk Cori A. Freidhof over her refusal to not only process our challenges, but her refusal to even respond to our simple public records request.
As a reminder, by law Ms. Freidhof was required to respond to our August 23rd public records request within five days. 
Instead she insultingly wrote that she was too busy and “the earliest date and time that this office reasonably believes any public records may be available is on or before the close of business on 11/15/2024.”
Now here’s the kicker…
I’ve been told that Ms. Freidhof has been in Carson City all this week attending a meeting of county officials that has nothing to do with elections and next week will be in Winnemucca for some other confab which also has nothing to do with the election.
She claims she doesn’t have time to do her job…but has time to galivant all over the state attending meetings and lunches and dinners on the taxpayer’s dime. 
Doesn’t she know that Early Voting starts in just three weeks?
How in the heck did she ever get appointed to this job in the first place?
Did I mention how to get in touch with her?

  • Email:
  • Office phone (although she’s hardly ever there):  (775) 482-8134
  • Cell phone: (775) 253-5622

“Nevadans rarely see (Sen. Jacky Rosen) and hardly ever hear from her – except during election season. It’s as if she borrowed Harry Potter’s ‘Invisibility Cloak.’ And when she does speak out, it’s often in D.C. wonk talk, from both sides of her mouth, trying to have her cake and eat it, too.” – The Other Side of Jacky Rosen (release coming soon)
Kamala’s Crime Wave: Will Your Mother, Daughter, Wife, or Sister Be Next?
The impact of this illegal alien crime wave has fallen especially hard on American women, with a horrifying avalanche of vicious rapes and murders by illegal aliens being reported almost daily. (NN&V)
Election-related scam calls in Nevada are increasing as November looms
Bobby McDowell received a call Monday afternoon from someone saying he owed taxes, and if he didn’t pay them, he wouldn’t be allowed to vote. He knew it was a scam and hung up, but he worries others could fall for it. (LVRJ)
Got a Nevada signature verification form in the mail? Here are 3 things to know.
Confused voters are flooding Washoe County with questions about voter signature verification cards the Nevada Secretary of State’s office sent out last week. (RGJ)
After SCOTUS Decision, Clark County Considers Homeless Camping Ban
Clark County Commission Chair Tick Segerblom has introduced an agenda item to the upcoming October 1 meeting that discusses a potential ordinance for a homeless camping ban that would bar people from sleeping outside in tents or makeshift shelters on public sidewalks or in public spaces. (Nevada Globe)
Lombardo Calls for Audit into Clark County School District Budget Crisis
“We are concerned with reports that CCSD’s current budget issues will potentially result in the release or elimination of teachers and other staff positions. Given last session’s unprecedented increase in funding for education, such a scenario would be unacceptable.” (NN&V)
Vegas mayor candidates agree on ending Badlands drama, but spar on how
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EDITORIAL: Special status of Regents isn’t warranted
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Nevada Question 4 would remove slavery as a punishment for crime
The intention is to remove from the Nevada Constitution the power of the state to force convicted criminals to work. (Reason)

“I actually saw a dozen eggs for $7.28 the other day.  No serious or sane person wants four more years of this agony.” – Philip Miceli, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/28/24
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at  His views are his own.