Who pays the most income tax

The next time someone tells you that the middle class pays the most, in income taxes, send them this URL:  https://usafacts.org/articles/who-pays-the-most-income-tax/ The federal government generated $4.47 […]

Debunking a myth

The MCM continually claims, “We are a nation of immigrants.” No, we aren’t. The reasoning is simple. Once we became a nation, the people here, at that […]

Sent to Senator Patty Murray

Patty Murray has come out in support of condemning the pardon of J6 political prisoners while, at the same time, saying absolutely nothing about the […]

Housing Costs and Homelessness

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I–VT) claims that “we need to invest in affordable housing” because “770,000 Americans should not be homeless, and 20 million more should not […]