Biden Faces New Calls to Withdraw 

A day after Democrats appeared to unify behind President Biden, a flurry of new critics expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to lead the party in November.

Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado became the first Senate Democrat to publicly say President Biden couldn’t win the election, and Congressional Black Caucus Member Rep. Marc Veasey broke with his caucus to encourage vulnerable Democrats to go their own way.

George Stephanopoulos on April 20 at an event in Los Angeles. Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, who interviewed Biden last week, said on Tuesday that he didn’t think Biden could serve another four years. He later apologized for the comment.

Top Democrat fundraiser and international film star George Clooney published an op-ed on Wednesday calling for Biden to step down. “We are not going to win in November with this president,” the actor wrote.