Call Congress Now: Vote Yes On Save Act To Remove Non Citizen Voters

Start calling DC immediately and use your phone, texts, emails, and social media to rally more Americans to join us on the phones today on (TWITTER HERE) .. (FACEBOOK HERE) .. (ALIPAC HERE)

new poll shows that 86% of voters want only US citizens to be allowed to vote in elections (View). Congressional Republicans have responded by inserting the SAVE ACT into a Continuing Resolution (CR) funding bill that is needed to prevent our corrupt and bankrupt government from “shutting down.” Democrats are fighting against the SAVE ACT to protect their illegal noncitizen voters…invasion votes!

The SAVE ACT requires states to verify the citizenship of voters, and putting it into a CR is our only hope for any nationwide relief from the large numbers of noncitizen and illegal migrant voters the Democrats are counting on to take total and permanent control of America on Election Day 2024!

The vote is scheduled for this afternoon!

PLEASE GET ON YOUR PHONES WITH US ASAP to call your state’s congressional delegation and then move on to adjacent states if possible.

We need a massive nationwide flood of calls to remove noncitizen voters before they vote on the SAVE ACT later today! Call on all Republican and Democrat members of the House to…

Vote to pass the Save Act today attached to the CR funding bill to stop noncitizen voters from deciding US elections since Texas, Alabama, Ohio, and Virginia have just detected and removed more than 17,000 from their 2024 voter files!