Can It Happen Here?

Since its creation in the aftermath of 9/11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has always been a public relations “security theater” outfit that never really did anything to prevent terrorism.

It only served to terrorize and humiliate good Americans.

But now, we are at the point where the government is brazenly weaponizing the TSA to silence outspoken American citizens.

This is undeniable, now that they have labeled former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as a terror threat.

The name of the “Quiet Skies” program apparently refers to its suppression of free speech under the First Amendment.

We must raise our voices to defend the silenced, and demand our lawmakers end TSA abuses of Americans.

In my recent column – read it below – I note that in the UK, people are being handed prison terms for those voicing opinions.

And current events in America clearly show that, YES, it could happen here.

As political tensions escalate with no sign of letting up, it’s absolutely vital we speak out while we still can – and demand those who would assault our free speech be held accountable.

Be sure to sign the directive at one of the links above, read the column below, and if you support Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to defend free speech, support C4L with a contribution.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul