chapter 11

No, we’re not filing for bankruptcy. Thankfully it hasn’t come to that and hopefully never will. But a big change has occurred here in our home recently.​

Indiana turned 11 years old.

She been SOOO excited about it and counting down the days for weeks, ready for the big day to get here.

Last year when Indy turned 10, she had an “Anne Of Green Gables’ birthday party and because she loves to read so much, this year the theme she wanted was books and the library.

And while Indy was counting down the days, Rebecca worked on little things to make her birthday more special.

The first thing she wanted to do for her big day was have breakfast in bed. Some of her sweet friends who weren’t going to be able to be with her later in the day came early to join her for heart-shaped pancakes in her bedroom.

And then in the afternoon, a few more friends and some classmates from her weekly geography class came and joined her for the party.

I had a special little sign made for her that turned our dining room into her own little library.

Her big gift this year was a dollhouse that our friends Amy & Kurt built for their grown daughters twenty years ago, and were kind enough to pass it on to us for Indy’s special day. I fixed it up a little and mounted it on a table and it was of course the first thing she saw when she got in the room…

And then when the candles were let, wishes were made…

And birthday cake was eaten..

And presents were opened…

And some fun crafting was done.

Before the party was over, Indy took her friends outside and they played in the playground and visited the barn animals for awhile until it was time for their parents to come pick them up.

Later in the evening, we met my sisters and their families for dinner in town and Indy got to open a couple more gifts and spend time celebrating with some of her cousins.

It was truly a special day, celebrating Indiana’s special day.

It’s hard to believe that she’s 11 years old already. She’s growing up so fast and getting so tall, like her Mama.

Thankfully at eleven, Indy is still our little girl and loves playing pretend with her dollhouse and dolls.

I know that soon she’ll be a teenager, and we will blink and Indiana will be a full-grown woman, with the days of climbing on Papa’s lap long behind her and me.

And so we’ll savor every moment between now and then.

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