Compassionate Joe

Erick-Woods Erickson

First, this is the most important thing today, and I don’t want to tell you anything about it. Just watch it, and you’ll figure it out pretty quickly.

Film here

Second, Joe Biden wants you all to know how compassionate he is. He has signed an order allowing illegal immigrant spouses of American citizens to stay in the United States. This affects, allegedly, about a half million people.

Joe Biden could have done this on his very first day in office. That was the day he repealed all of Donald Trump’s executive orders, including those related to border security.

Joe Biden could have done it on the tenth anniversary of DACA, for which he had a ceremony in the White House a couple of years ago.

But no, Biden only did it now, as border security is a top issue for the election. It was a political calculation, not compassion. He is leveraging that issue to motivate the left to go to the polls.

The odds are that the families affected will already vote for Joe Biden to the best of their ability. This is all about providing progressives another excuse to motivate them to turn out in a very close election.

And this is frankly part of Joe Biden’s problem.

Look, and let me be frank here — there, but by the grace of God, go all of us with our kids. But Joe Biden has two children who are drug addicts. His kids, at the height of their addiction’s control over them, chose not to spend time with his family but to run for office.

When his first wife died in a tragic car wreck, killing his first daughter, Biden abandoned both his sons for Washington, D.C. He treats his kids as political pawns and, in guilt, lets them trade on his family name and then uses their tragedies to try to humanize himself.

His daughter Ashley testified in court as to the authenticity of her diary. There were disturbing allegations about her father in that diary that the press has chosen to avoid covering, just as they tried to claim both that diary and Hunter Biden’s laptop were fake.

Both have been proven true and contain disturbing allegations about Joe Biden.

Again, bad things could happen to all our children. At some point, they could all be lost. But both Biden’s children descended into hell on earth, and Joe left them for the campaign trail. This is the same man who thought nothing of his dogs repeatedly biting the men and women whose jobs are to make his life comfortable and keep him safe.

This is the same man who thought nothing of abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, claiming they chose to stay.

This is the same man who has done little to rescue American citizens held hostage by Hamas.

And this is the same man who could have spared families the fear of deportation and waited until it was politically convenient for himself to do that.

That doesn’t sound like compassion. It sounds like narcissism.

Years ago, I wrote that the left would one day nominate and defend their own version of Donald Trump and would go to their deaths denying it. We are at that moment.