Death and a Sun Tan

Erick-Woods Erickson

Politico referred to me as an “off-again, on-again Trump critic” this weekend. I criticize based on principles. Principles are not a light switch that turn on and off for me. Trump did a good thing by vocally opposing Florida’s Amendment 4, which would allow unrestricted abortion until the moment a child is fully outside the birth canal. I was happy to praise him and, before that, warn him of the need for damage control on the issue before pro-lifers got in church on Sunday.

My willingness to criticize my own side provokes anger and attack from plenty of people on my own side, but I am just not a water carrier.

What I find remarkable are the people on the Democratic side who cannot bring themselves to speak up against Biden and Harris. While the Democrats and media are attacking Trump for the event at Arlington National Cemetery, Joe Biden has been suntanning on a beach.

In fact, Biden was on the beach as Hamas was putting bullets in the back of the heads of Israeli hostages. The visuals here are stunning.

Biden is sitting on a beach and Kamala Harris is campaigning on joy while Hamas is killing an American citizen held since October 7th and murdered as rescuers got close.

Kristen Welker on Meet the Press, this past Sunday, falsely stated that Kamala Harris was at Dover Air Force Base when the bodies of the thirteen killed in Afghanistan returned home. She did not, to my knowledge, question why the United States’s Chief Executive would be sunbathing instead of tirelessly working to free an American held hostage by Hamas.

And no Democrats nor the press want to know what the American military response might be to deter future hostage-taking by terrorist organizations.

The reality is that while I might criticize my own side and the other side, I am also well aware of the differences between the two. I do not delude myself into thinking the Trump response would be the same at the Biden response.

The truth is that Russia was not advancing in Ukraine when Trump was President — pausing their Obama-era gains in that country until Trump left. And Hamas was not killing Americans under the streets of Gaza when Trump was President.

It is precisely why I can support the man even as I am clear-eyed about him. The press and Democrats lack clear eyes to see that our dementia patient-in-chief cannot do his job.

Joe Biden was sunbathing and Kamala Harris was preaching joy while an American citizen was being murdered in Gaza. And when Tim Walz was asked about it, he ate his his ice cream and turned away in silence. Then, in the aftermath, Joe Biden pressured Israel instead of Hamas.

There are many reasons people cite to not vote for Donald Trump. But in the face of clear evil, his rivals have chosen to blame the victim, Israel, instead of the monster, Hamas. That is a clear distinction between the sides in this election.