Now we know why the Democrats wanted to have the first debate so soon!  The Democrat Convention does not happen until August, which means they have time to nominate someone other than Joe Biden before the general election.  After last night’s Biden performance, it is now a certainty the Democrats will appoint another candidate, and I predict they will run a ringer, a person who will appear to be moderate and reasonable but can be controlled by the radicals running the party.

This also highlights another example of why I have doubts about Trump and his lack of judgment, let alone his lack of wisdom.  If I were Trump and the Democrats wanted an early debate before their convention, the first thing I would have considered is this:  “What are the Democrats up to”?  But Trump apparently did not ask or even consider that question.  If my chess opponent makes a move that seems so tempting to react to in the way my opponent invites, I’m going to sit back for a moment to consider if I’m walking into a trap.  Well, Trump walked right into the trap by accepting an early debate without question, and now the Democrats have an opportunity to switch their candidate to one who could “defeat” Trump.

Biden was so far in the hole, as far as his approval ratings, that the local dog catcher could beat him with or without Democrat vote fraud because the margin would be too large.  But if a seemingly moderate and articulate candidate is now chosen by the Democrats, the polls will begin to show a much tighter race that is vulnerable to vote fraud, and we already know the Democrats are masters at that.

It’s not that I don’t like Trump, because I do.  It’s just that Trump seems to repeatedly be a bit of a fool politically and strategically at the worst possible times!  In the meantime, that debate was televised internationally, which means the whole world now knows for certain that the President of The United States is seriously mentally impaired, so if our enemies ever had the opportunity to do something really aggressive, like invade Taiwan, the window of opportunity is gaping wide open for them to do it.  Oh, and let’s not forget:  Biden has the Nuclear Football until next January.

There is now ample opportunity for someone like Biden to miscalculate and make a serious mistake that could result in a massive loss of life worldwide.

Sweet dreams!

Carl F. Worden