Democrats Clinging To Fox News

Erick-Woods Erickson

Everyone – and I mean everyone – knows that Democrats universally hate Fox News with a passion that can only be described as visceral. They cheered on the ousting of every major host in recent years and gleefully watched Dominion extract a $787 million judgment against them.

But now Democrats are holding onto Fox News as their only bit of hope in a bleak media landscape of increasingly negative stories and data points about Joe Biden’s support. The Fox News poll is the one (and only) credible poll suggesting Joe Biden is not trailing Trump and instead within the margin of error.

However, the Fox News poll increasingly appears to be the outlier. Every other credible poll has Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden nationally and in most major swing states. The New York Times poll – which has been the most accurate poll in recent years – was released yesterday and has Joe Biden down with a staggering number of Black and Hispanic voters backing Donald Trump. The Quinnipiac poll has favored Biden or a tie for months but is now definitively tilting the election toward Trump. Even Gallup has startling new data on Joe Biden’s popularity being at an 18-year low.

But the most concerning data point comes from polling guru Nate Silver whose election model gives Donald Trump a 66% chance of winning. The Economist Magazine takes it a step further putting the odds in Trump’s favor by 75%. Aside from the Fox News poll, there is no good news for the Biden team.

Democrats insisted on galvanizing behind an 81-year-old man at war with the English language and are now forced to pray to their gender-fluid gods above that Fox News is right and the New York Times is wrong. The mental contortions happening on the left are hilarious to watch.