Democrats Go From Slaves to Serfs

Erick-Woods Erickson

My very, very, very first client as a lawyer was a man named Alejandro, who was an illegal alien from Central America. He had saved his money to buy a double wide trailer with new appliances from a mobile home dealership in Middle Georgia. When his trailer arrived in the trailer park to the plot of land Alejandro rented, it was a single wide trailer with used appliances and cracks in the cabinets and throughout — a used trailer with used appliances.

Alejandro came to my office because he said he went to the trailer company to demand they make him whole, the dealer called him an F’ing s slur for Hispanic people, and told him to get off the lot or he’d be deported. Alejandro wanted to sue.

I, straight out of law school, fresh out of the bar, and only just approved to practice law with a bar number in Georgia, fired off a certified letter to the general counsel of the company up in Philadelphia or Boston — I can’t remember which.

Two weeks later, the General Counsel of the company sent me a certified letter back that the company would make Alejandro and his family whole and then some. I had to call the lady.

I told her I was right out of law school, and I really — just lawyer to lawyer — wanted to understand how my letter got such quick resolution. She said she didn’t believe a word I put in the letter. It was the year 2000 and there was just no way possible that had happened. So she called the local branch in Middle Georgia, got the manager, told him the general parameters of my letter, and the first words out of his mouth were, “Oh I remember that F’ing [slur].” She fired that guy and Alejandro and his family moved into a double wide trailer with all new appliances and some extra cash. That was the year 2000.

About four years ago in 2020, I fired the company that took care of our yard. I found a wallet in my backyard. One of the guys who had mowed our grass lost it. His whole world was in that wallet. He was clearly an illegal alien. I called the landscaping company to get the wallet back to the guy. They denied they even knew who the man was and were sure he had not worked for them because they would never hire an illegal alien.

I showed up at their office, dropped off the wallet, and insisted they get it back to the man. I don’t know that they ever did. I was not offended they hired illegal aliens. I was offended they’d treat a person that way. I say all this to say the Washington Post’s and CNN’s Catherine Rampell is a progressive racist who wants, needs, and demands an underclass of serfs to maintain her standard of living as do most Democrats. It is no wonder the party of slavery now favors a underclass of people to still, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Four, pick their cotton — they just went from black to brown.

What Rampell wants and demands is that we continue to prop up a system of serfs who get paid below minimum wage, under the table, bypassing E-Verify because she wants things cheaper than the minimum wage she advocates for.

All Democrats do. It’s the thing they dare not say out loud. Trump isn’t deporting legal immigrants, but the illegal ones who employers are not supposed to hire. But Rampell says the quiet part out loud — those are the ones getting jobs and she thinks they are necessary and even desirable.

We, on the right, focus on the criminals and gangs and deaths of Americans. But there is the sick underbelly of what people like Catherine Rampell want — an underclass of illegal aliens who can be taken advantage of, worked hard, then deported so Catherine does not have to pay fair market value for her grandmother’s care.

It is damnable, disgusting, and exactly what we have and Democrats are more and more openly willing to defend it. Frankly, deportation and the end of this serf system is the most humane, fair, and just thing we could do as a society. And Catherine and everyone else can pay more or reform the system to allow in these hard workers seasonally for what they’re getting under the table.

That would be the best for all of us, but the Democrats would rather the serfs come in and get paid under the table than fight their own constituency of trade unions and labor activists demanding union rates.

But I appreciate her honesty. It is clarifying.