Despite Our Problems, We Are The Best

Erick-Woods Erickson

What’s happening to the United States right now is historic and – if we are being completely honest – uncomfortable. The sitting President of the United States is mentally compromised in a way that limits his ability to govern our country. The media complicity covered this up for years by silencing and discrediting anyone who dared to point out the obvious. 

But thanks to the founding fathers, the constitution of the United States is prepared for this moment and we will survive. We are the only nation with a binding constitution that guarantees our rights and liberties. No other nation has a first amendment and no other nation has a second amendment. Thanks to a conservative revolution from our founders who believed they were Englishmen entitled to the privileges of the English bill of rights, free speech and fair elections are essential in our constitutional framework. 

As we celebrate Independence Day, let it not be lost on any of us how fortunate we are to live in the greatest country in the history of the world. Watch: