Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes

Before the June 27th presidential debate, mainstream media outlets and nearly every member of the Democratic Party expected you to believe that Joe Biden was perfectly fine. In the face of a growing number of verbal slips and a physical demeanor that appeared to deteriorate by the day, governors, senators, and members of the media told you to ignore your lying eyes and trust that Joe Biden was sharper than they had ever seen him.

When a Venezuelan gang took control of an apartment building in Colorado, city council members, local police, and even residents of the apartment confirmed details of the horrific things happening inside. But when the progressive governor of Colorado told the media that this was not true, media outlets deemed the story as false and expected you to not believe your lying eyes from the local people who gave first-hand accounts.

The reason I set the stage this way is important.

Republicans in the House are attempting to tie Chip Roy’s SAVE Act to this month’s continuing resolution in order to prevent non-US citizens from voting in November’s election. The bill is a meaningful piece of legislation that protects voter integrity with a list of practical requirements that could easily be implemented before November.

But the media is again expecting you to not believe your lying eyes that illegal immigration is a problem.