Dr. Stacey Patton

Dr Stacy Patton’s article, ‘Is He Dead?’ Why Black People Are Not Grieving The Failed Assassination Of Donald Trump – https://newsone.com/5381442/trump-shooting-and-black-people/ is absolutely appalling for someone who apparently has a PhD.

Apparently, Dr Patton is so ignorant that she truly believes the claims of the corporate media, that President Donald Trump is the second coming of Hitler.  It is rhetoric, such as she is spewing, that led a 20-year-old, named Thomas Matthew Crooks, to try to assassinate President Trump.

Her behaivor is unacceptable.  Her article is nothing, if not a total display of ignorance of our fouding principles, doctrines, and beliefs.  And nothing displays her ignorance more than this quote from her diatribe,

We know that because Donald Trump took a bullet for America and survived, and this failed assassination has radicalized and emboldened his supporters to complete the unfinished business of the first Civil War. Our communities remain vulnerable and unsafe, and we must remain vigilant.

Since the attempt on President Trump’s life …

·         How many people have taken to the streets in protest?

·         How many people have resorted to rioting?

·         How many police officers have been hurt or killed?

·         How amny people have been hurt or killed

·         How many homes have been burned?

·         How many businesses have been burned?

·         How many government buildings have come under attack?

·         How many government buildings have been burned?

Dr Patton’s diatribe is unconscionable; her behavior unacceptable.

We are all Americans; irrespective of our skin color.  When we stop looking at skin color as our first priority in judging someone’s character, our nation will truly become the melting pot intended by our Founding Fathers. 

Dr Stacey Patton is a professor at Morgan State University.  While not stating such, it appears that Morgan State is an all-black university.