Erick-Woods Erickson

For the first time in 164 years, the US Marine Corps is without a Senate-confirmed leader. After the four-year term of outgoing General Berger expired, Senator Tommy Tuberville has stifled the efforts of the upper chamber to select and appoint his replacement.
Tuberville has blocked upwards of 250 military appointments over the past four months through procedural tactics in opposition to the Pentagon’s post-Roe decision to force the military to fund abortions “for men and women.” Yes, you read that correctly.
Democrats and mainstream media outlets would have you believe the military is degraded by Tuberville’s actions but gleefully ignore a growing number of stories blatantly suggesting the military is more focused on winning social wars than real wars.
Up until last month, the Defense Department was prepared to host taxpayer-funded drag queen shows on US military bases until Republicans complained. Meanwhile, the Navy hired a trans activist to be their digital ambassador in an attempt to recruit more trans people.
Mainstream outlets refused to question Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s ludicrous proposal for an “all green military” by 2030 despite countless military experts claiming the proposal was legitimately delusional.
Bloomberg reported just this morning that 4 out of 10 US attack submarines are sidelined because the military is having trouble handling the logistics of fixing them. This backlog has caused our nuclear submarine arsenal to be “substantially reduced” while China is producing a record number of submarines on a yearly basis.
Instead of allowing the military to do the basic things well, Democrats would have you believe that Tommy Tuberville’s opposition to tax dollars funding abortions “for men and women” is a national security issue that has consequences on the global stage. Yeah right.